Best Advice From 12 BJJ Black Belts for Beginners by Stephan Kesting

Last updated on 04.05.2020 by

Stephan Kesting brings you tips and advice from 12 black belts in the Jiu-jitsu community. All of the black belts share their best advice for beginners.

Jiu-jitsu just like anything else in life, it is a process with multiple phases and challenges. It takes time to become good at it. There will be moments that you enjoy and times that just suck. But what counts is embracing the process through all the bad times.

That is when you learn the most about yourself and usually break through some plateaus. During such times your skill also elevates. The process is slow and forcing it will only set you back even if you progress in the beginning.

Stay consistent and don’t look for excuses because if you do you can always find them. Check your ego at the door every time you walk into your academy. If you don’t, get ready to feel mentally defeated every time you train rather than gaining valuable experience with every roll, submission or defeat. The outcome most likely will be you quitting jiu-jitsu.

All the black belt that you are going to see in the video have been beginners at one point. They were submitted, thrown, broken, mad, wanted to quit, lost, discouraged, had doubts etc., but the difference maker was their mentality of not quitting which is why they are black belts today.

Set your goals and a plan on how to achieve them. Don’t worry about the person next to you. Everyone has to carve their own individual jiu-jitsu journey and make the most out of it. Have fun and train smart.