4 Tips to Build a Growing BJJ or Martial Art Academy

Last updated on 28.02.2019 by

Having a packed and full BJJ or martial art academy is often a challenging task to achieve. Hence, that’s why there are plenty of such academies which have very few students and fail. Therefore, we decided to select the most important tips for building a successful BJJ or martial art academy.

There are several tips which can have a major impact on the success of an academy. We all know how important it is to have a high student count and retention rate. The members are crucial for the growth of an academy as they pay the bills. So, it’s essential you know the ways and methods on how to maintain and even grow the student count.

Instead of wondering what keeps an academy open and what gets students in the door, read the following list of tips.

4 Tips for BJJ or Martial Art Academy Growth

1. A Good Structure is a Key to  Success

Having a good structure, as well as procedure and protocols, is crucial for the growth. The BJJ or martial arts students, especially the most affluent ones, value structure and good organization. So, this means that a successful academy should have an organized program and forget about teaching YouTube learned techniques. Likewise, each part of the learning process should be organized and well-structured.

2. Focus Makes Students Interested

This is quite an easy and important tip. In fact, this means that all you should focus on the classes in your academy is to teach students what they came for. So, if it’s a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu class, simply teach them interesting techniques. Never try to mix things up. For instance, don’t even try to combine Krav, Cardio Classes, and Crossfit with BJJ. If you do so, it will be the easiest way to lose students. Remember that your job is to make students happy and teach them what they came for.

4 Tips to Build a Growing BJJ or Martial Art Academy 1 4 Tips to Build a Growing BJJ or Martial Art Academy

3. Strong Community Makes a Successful Academy

The sense of community is necessary for the students to have and it gives them a feeling of belonging and that they matter to one another and to the group. Thus, this is a very important aspect to consider, no matter the size of your academy. Even the smallest academies need a strong sense of community. One way to do so is to include the parents or siblings of your students to the class. By doing so, your students will feel more secure and confident.

4. Adaption and Growth Should be Your Main Goal

Growing the academy stronger and more successful should be your main objective. In order to do so, there are certain principles and rules you should bear in mind. Hence, changing the techniques and making each class interesting and fun will never bore your students. This means that you should adapt your teaching and methods to new approaches and techniques. Likewise, being an enthusiastic and interesting instructor will help you in the way of achieving your aims. Stop staying the same phrases over and over again. Instead, be energetic, fun, and keep the atmosphere high.

Do you use any of these techniques to grow your BJJ or martial art academy? What other methods help you in retaining more students?