Best supplements for Treatment of Injury in Jiu-Jitsu

Last updated on 27.02.2020 by

If you are an athlete who competes in Jiu jitsu, you know that injuries are part of the sport. You can have the best injury prevention program in the world and still get injured. Strength programs are great for injury prevention, but relying on supplements if you sideline yourself with one is smart. Supplements should be supplemental to your healing process. They are not the ‘’magic pill’’ that some people claim them to be. However, when you use them in combination with other therapies, such as rest, light activity, and mobility they can help speed up recovery.  


An amino acid you can find in protein-rich foods such as eggs, fish, and meat. It is not an essential amino acid, but it can convert into a such. The body will recruit it in times of need, such as an injury, and it can become essential. It is excellent for treating joint injuries (armbars) and works for preventing muscle mass loss. Depending on the type of injury, you may be out of action longer than you expect. Glutamine will help your body maintain its muscle mass as you recover.


Naturally, turmeric root contains curcumin. It is extracted and made into a supplement which makes it more bioavailable for the body. During recovery, you will need higher doses of curcumin that are going to be readily absorbed by your body. Curcumin does a great job at fighting inflammation. That makes it very useful for injuries. Due to the body’s natural healing processes during an injury, you should wait and embrace the inflammation process at the beginning. Allow the body to ‘’do its thing’’ before you stick an IV of curcumin in your vein. Begin taking the curcumin two or three days post-injury. That way you are not slowing down the healing process.

Vitamin C

Food sources rich in vitamin C are peppers, kiwi, guava, and oranges. Higher doses of vitamin C are recommended after injury so a supplement will be a better option. A favorite amongst athletes for its antioxidant and immune strengthening abilities. It also has a very beneficial effect on building new stronger tissue. Very useful in helping with ligament injuries which are common in the Jiu-jitsu community.


Green tea contains L-theanine. It is an amino acid responsible for keeping you calm. Part of the healing process is remaining sane. You need to have a stable mindset. Since athletes are always hyperactive, that may be challenging. If you are recovering from an acute injury, you might have to ‘’sit yo ass down’’ for a bit. Trust me it is not the end of the world. Adding L-theanine to the recovery protocol will help to keep you relaxed and thinking more positive thoughts. Don’t neglect the power of sleep. If your injury causes some sleep deprivation, the calming effect of L-theanine might aid in that as well.

Boswellia serrata

Injuries can be painful. Reducing the pain with a natural supplement will be your best choice. Boswellia, a potent pain suppressing agent not available in food works excellent for pain management. It is a tree, and therefore the contents have to be extracted. It is considered to be more effective than some of the most popular over the counter drugs on the market. There are almost no adverse side effects from Boswellia which makes it safe to consume. It helps reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation.

Final thoughts

Injuries are part of Jiu-jitsu, and you have to be patient during the recovery process. Educating yourself on how to treat them will allow you to get back on the mats sooner. Not taking injuries seriously and prematurely coming back from them puts you at risk for reinjury. You should use other therapies together with supplementation for the best results. Depending upon the type of injury specific mobility work, sauna, and manual therapy such as massage, will all increase the effectiveness of the supplements listed above. Be considerate of your body during an injury, and it will thank you for it. Train smart, and have fun.