One Tip on How to Prevent Knee Injuries in BJJ

Last updated on 02.03.2019 by

Staying on the ground and keeping your hips mobile will keep your injuries safe in most cases. However, recognizing where the chance of injury is highest is of vital importance. We’ve made a list for that purpose.

7 Techniques to be Wary of in BJJ

Jumping Guard

Now banned in white belt, the guard jump is the cause of many a ruined knee in the sport of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Besides being risky for the person jumping guard, the jumpee is at just as much risk of having their knee blown out. Never try without supervision if you’re new. If you have to however, practice with someone heavier. Have them support your weight by holding on to your leg.

Scissor takedown

Similar to the guard jump, the scissor takedown is even more dangerous for the knees because you scissor at an angle where knees don’t bend. It’s possibly less risky if you post a hand when you scissor.

Back Trip

The back trip, or tani otoshi is another common cause of ruined knees. Done with a body lock grip, tani otoshi involves falling to your butt and tripping the back heel with your foot.

All three of the above involve aiming your butt at your partner’s knees and jumping. Butts have no business falling onto people’s knees. Take special care when trying all of the above.


The guillotine puts a lot of pressure on the neck. Tap soon and you’ll have no problem. However, know when to let go as well. You can’t follow your partner everywhere because of the head. If you catch a guillotine for example and your partner or opponent falls on his back, you’ll spike your head if you don’t let go.


Stacking, especially when your partner’s heavier than you, can be dangerous for the neck. Do a lot of back rolls. If need be give up the pass. Keep your neck safe. Neck injuries are a thing to be feared.


We study the mechanics of submissions. That’s why they’re last on the list. Your coach has probably warned you about possible injuries. Tap often and you’ll be fine.


Breakfalls are going to make all the difference when it comes to elbow and shoulder injuries. Do them often so it gets in your muscle memory not to post a hand out when falling.

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