Marcelo Garcia – 2 on 1 Hook Sweep – BJJ Weekly #071

Last updated on 04.05.2020 by

Marcelo Garcia also known as ‘Marcelinho’, is a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt under Master Fabio Gurgel. This 6-minute video features this amazing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu fighter, who shares a 2 on 1 hook sweep. Moreover, you will see included a couple of variations for if you loose your controls on the arm. His technique shows that you can master something until it becomes your second nature. The first variation should be considered as a gift from your opponent, while variation two and three should be implemented in case the

His technique shows that you can master something until it becomes your second nature. The first variation should be considered as a gift from your opponent, while variation two and three should be implemented in case the oponent ins’t in such a giving mood!